View off the back of our boat

View off the back of our boat
Boat Harbour

View from our boat

View from our boat

Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday June 29

We had a good trip through Daytona and on to Fort Mantanzas. We have anchored there many times so everything was familiar.
The humidity was pretty high so we went for a swim after we got anchored- well I didn't swim much because the current is so strong I was afraid I would get carried away. I swam with a line attached to the boat and so did Paul.
Wednesday we seemed to catch the tides right and went all the way to Jacksonville Landings. We could have made it into Green Cove Springs but then I would have to cook so we stopped at the Landings and went to Hooters for dinner. I made the mistake of ordering fish. It is too soon after having fresh fish all the time in the Bahamas -- the frozen "stuff" just doesn't cut it.
We went into Green Cove Springs--Reynolds Yacht Center on Thursday.
Wink & Wilma were waiting to catch our lines. Paul quickly hooked up the electric to turn on the air conditioners -- yes all 3.
Wilma and I went to WalMart - My first trip to WalMart in over 8 months. I was much worse than a kid in a candy store and loved every minute.
Wink & Wilma invited us for dinner. We had the end of their lobster-- soooo good!!!
Wilma had told us about the blind mosquitos. They are AWFUL!!!!
Friday morning we found out how AWFUL. The boat was covered with them. Wilma said she washed her boat everyday and now Paul is doing the same.
We picked up our rental car in the afternoon.
We went to Best Buy looking for a new computer to replace Paul's navigation computer that died. Our navigation program has conflicts with Vista -- the operating system that everyone seems to be using. We are going to have a lot of difficulty getting a computer with XP. We are going to try to order one and as much as I HATE Dell I think it will have to be a Dell.
Friday evening we took Wink and Wilma to the Elk's Club for turkey dinner. Actually Paul is not a full member yet, he goes Tuesday June 30 for his "interview" then 2 week later for his initiation. I guess we will get a rental car to come back down here for that.
We celebrated Winks birthday when we got back -- his birthday was Saturday but we were leaving early in the morning.
We left at 8 to go to North Palm Beach to Susan Harward's for her Independence day party which is a week early because that is when her local community had their fireworks.
Susan & I went swimming in the afternoon at the very nice pool at her condo. We also walked through the little fair type "stuff" set up near her condo.
The party was very nice, a lot of Yacht club people and friends of Susan's from Guana Cay where Susan lived for many years.
The fireworks were spectacular Paul & I both agreed the best we had ever seen and right off Susan's balcony. I understand why she bases her party around the fireworks.
Sunday we went to breakfast at a neat little place nearby.
We left a little after one. We listened to the NASCAR race on the radio.
We stopped in Daytona at Aunt Catfishes restaurant, a long time favorite of mine.
We got home just before the rain hit. BUT too bad the rain was not enough to get rid of the blind mosquitos. Wilma had hosed part of our boat but it still looked awful.
Wilma left early this morning for Texas. Paul & I took Wink to the airport. He is flying to Boston to pick up the granddaughters then they are flying to Texas to meet Wilma.
On the way home we stopped at WalMart, Home Depot and Publix.
We turned the rental car in at 2.
We had light rain this evening but again not enough to keep the bugs away.

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